The Baltics Are Not Slavic- They Are Baltics

Mar 24, 2020, 1:35 PM

Just to reinforce Karlis Strazdins’ statement: the indo european conquest of (genocide of) proto-Europeans across the european continent consisted of latin, celtic, germanic, and baltic proto-language groups. Genetically, linguistically and culturally, Europe still consists of the following groups: proto-europeans(greece, southern italy, sardinia), latins, celtics (atlantic and continental), germanics, nordics, baltics, finnics, and the three slavic groups (western, eastern, and southern). Northern Russians are slavic with 1/5 finnic. Southern are just slavic and spoke Ukrainian before muscovite conquest from the mongols (tatars, muslims). Ukrainians west of kiev are closer to Poles than Russians. The celts and slavs were the largest groups prior to the celtic holocaust by the romans. The germanics expanded southward to fill the vacuum. The slavs expanded eastward to fill the scythian vacuum. This is why poland appears to be the genetic origin of the majority of slavic peoples. It’s not difficult to distinguish between the european subraces just by observing people in each geography. That’s how this categorization was originally done – by observation. And the observations of the late nineteenth and early twentieth were correct. So correct that we can and still and do use them today.

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