What Is the Role of Business and Industry in Society?

Apr 1, 2020, 1:19 PM

(probably very important)

—“Also do you have any writings you could point me to on your views on big business’ role in society? Namely, I do see cultural marxism and other factors at play throughout university and entertainment, but the pressures from big biz for cheap labor, for mass immigration of more customers etc. as the primary driving force behind our replacement. Does a mixed economy with strong tariffs and other incentives prevent this from happening in the future?”—

1. The production of goods, services and information.
2. The normalization of middle class behavior (everyone is a potential customer)
3. The production of the possibility of the self organizing – civil- society.
Business increases customer base, dependencies and alliances until everyone in the society is a customer, dependency, and alliance

1. The role of big business in society is to provide a durable sustainable revenue stream upon which to base the political revenue necessary for the incremental suppression of parasitism that makes possible the extension of trust and opportunity down into smaller and smaller producers, which in turn produces the middle class ethic which is the source of high trust – that is initiated by the militia.

  1. Big businesses are difficult to compete with because they can ‘socialize’ costs of obtaining and holding customer relationships over time. So this ‘stability’ must be thought of as the economic equivalent of the military – defense of the economic territory. So just as the military creates a defensive wall against military conquest, big business creates a defensive wall against economic conquest.

  2. Obviously big business can afford to pay for research and development. This is a minor role. Because big business cannot compete with the government for basic research. The government performs basic research industry applied research. And Small and Medium Business applies the results of basic research to niche (smaller) markets.

4 (Limits) The problem evident throughout all of history is that the middle class (Business and industry) has no more incentive to limit it’s consumption of economic opportunity than the citizenry has incentive to limit it’s consumption of human and institutional capital. So this is the important insight of fascism and nationalism: that profit at national expense is a theft of capital: privatization of commons or socialization of losses.

  1. The same applies for the government. The state and finance sectors (and now the academic sector) will happily destroy the genetic human cultural institutional and civilizational capital through immigration and expansion. So this is the limit of all markets, and why free markets are always a fraud: either you are increasing domestic capital or not. If you are not then you are consuming it. And if you are consuming it then you are an uncontrolled growth: a cancer. Whether you are private or public or individual.

Defense (Military, Law)
… Commons (politics, economics, law)
… … Production (trade, business, industry, science)
… … … Consumption (reproduction child care, education, home)
… … … … Luxury Consumption (celebration, sports, entertainment, signal goods and services)
… … … … … Destruction (dysgenia, immigration, conversion, crime, drugs, falsehood)

That’s the net of it.
-Curt Doolittle

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