Krugman Is A Racist And A Dishonest Hack

Weighted by popularity, Krugman is the most dishonest public intellectual in America.

He is a party hack at best. At worst he is nothing more than an anti-white racist.

Of course he’s still dangerous. But libertarians and conservatives are dangerous too. Libertarians, because we believe that it is possible for a majority of humans to adopt a rational and meritocratic rather than sentimental and egalitarian political framework, and conservatives because they argue from sentimental, historical, and economic framework that they cannot articulate in rational language and as such, they do not even understand themselves — there is as much danger in stupidity and ignorance as there is in malice and dishonesty.

Krugman got the prize for political reasons. Because he could influence the debate. People do listen to him. But until we unite libertarians and conservatives, and until we help conservatives articulate their social strategy the dishonest will win out over the ignorant.

Krugman is an anti-white, racist, political hack, who uses an award given to him for political reasons and a podium with a broad reach to distort the public dialog in favor of his malicious agenda. He does not engage his critics. He simply repeats his invectives as a mantra for his supporters, in order to feed their confirmation biases.

One response to “Krugman Is A Racist And A Dishonest Hack”

  1. Thank you for including so many specific examples of Krugman’s perfidy. I read him fairly regularly, but I never realized he was “anti-white,” so I appreciate your many citations that substantiate this charge. Nor did it occur to me that he is “racist,” — so good call on that one as well. Your supporting evidence for this allegation is overwhelming.

    On the other hand, I have seen him — time and again — “engage his critics,” although to be fair, he rarely responds to critics whose expertise is based on something they once read in The Fountainhead. What’s he afraid of, right?

    He simply repeats his invectives as a mantra for his supporters, in order to feed their confirmation biases.

    Have you ever heard of a phenomenon called ‘psychological projection’? You might want to look into it…

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