Month: January 2021

  • The Physics and Economics of Civilizations in Diversity, Conquest, Integration.

    Notes that are valuable for all. 1. The primary political problems that arise from of ALL attempts at admixture (heterogeneous polities) meaning EMPIRES are: … (a) The conflation of differences in genetics (not much), versus the difference in genetic load and therefore distribution (large). And the hard numbers of 85IQ, 105IQ and 125IQ in relation…

  • Q: Explain or Define Fascism (still adding)

    Define Fascism. If you can’t define the political, economic, social, familial, and religious models then you don’t know enough to opine. How: Enumerate cooperative markets for cooperation: given territory, resources, people, their labor, their property, and existing built capital – those markets are association(friends), reproduction(the family), production of education, production of cooperation(social groups), production(the economy),…

  • Countering Christian Fundamentalists: “No. Europeans are Gods Chosen People, and Jews are the Devil’s”

    THE CHOICE OF THREE POSSIBLE ELITES – AND THE CONSEQUENCES There are only three sets of these elites in the West vying for power: The Jewish Female Authoritarian strategy of undermining, and continuing the rapid conquest of western civilization by incentivizing race, class, sex, cultural, informational conflict – and even logical conflict, and underclass invasion – repeating…

  • (Review) American Extremist – the Psychology of Political Extremism by Josh Neal, Perth,  Imperium Press 2020

    AMERICAN EXTREMIST THE PSYCHOLOGY OF POLITICAL EXTREMISM By Josh Neal, Perth,  Imperium Press 2020 The writing, especially for a book with conservative interests, reads ‘luxuriously’. Cogent, clear, sincere, emotive, deeply informed, rich vocabulary, well edited, insightful, and providing a correct diagnosis – and absolutely free of unfounded, speculative, or hyperbolic claims. So the author rapidly,…

  • Answer: No, Democracy and Capitalism aren’t the same thing.

    –“Q: Are democracy and capitalism the same thing in the culture of the United States?”– This question is a framing generated by the left’s attempt to undermining western civilization. Democracy: a means of selecting priorities in the production of commons given the scarcity of resources and the endless demand for returns. Republic: Representative democracy with Executive,…

  • Religiosity is Genetic. A Derivation of Personality Traits. A Female Cognitive Bias.

    I’ll reiterate the science: There does exist the stereotypical difference between male and female cognition, personality, and religiosity. And there is an overlap with males having those female traits likewise religious. The effect isn’t small. It’s .92. So Religiosity is a TRAIT. The same is true in the reverse. Male cognition, personality, and martial LOYALTY…

  • Western Christian Civilization in Simple Rules

    Christianity in Simple Rules I. The Rules of Non-Aggression 1) The Silver rule of unequals (do not unto others as they would not have done unto them). 2) The Golden rule of equals (do unto others as you would have done unto you.) Solves the hard problem of known vs unknown. II. The Law of…

  • . . .

    “In Europe as well, up until about 1800, the wealthy had considerably more children than the poor. There was no public assistance for single mothers, so there were strict sanctions against illegitimacy. Women generally did not marry men who could not support them, and many people in the serving classes, therefore, did not marry or…

  • The Direction Of The Reformation of Our European Christian Religion

    0. There are only three possible methods of human coercion, and three possible institutions of human organization, and three sets of elites in the perpetuation of those institutions – and the order that civilizations develop those three institutions determine our civilizational differences. 0.1 Those three methods, institutions, and elites, are Force, The Military, and the…

  • Notes on a speech by Yual Harari

    “We limit ourselves to Property(Permission) and Range(Duty,Responsibility)” “Fictions or Narratives create a paradigm (system of measurement) of property(permission) and range(duty), creating a system of cooperative rules” “Human rights are a fiction” … that’s not really true. Those Human rights that are Natural Rights are an extension of life and phenotype. They are in fact a…

  • Quotes of the Day

    TESTIMONY ON P-LAW   It’s not set(ideal, verbal) logic of inference, but operation(real, operational) logic of possibility. It takes a very long time to grasp that P-law is to life sciences what physics is to physical sciences. The depth of P-Law is awe-inspiring. Because just as it’s difficult to write a proof in math, it’s…

  • The Choice: The Indefensibility of the War Against Western Civilization

    Some argue that cultural Marxism is a silly term, but I think it works well. It describes a leveling desire that is no longer primarily interested in class, but it demographic groups. It sees society as a battle between races, sexes, and sexualities for power. – Bo Weingard The Correct (And Only) Answer Cultural Marxists(the…

  • Adaptation

    What culture has adapted its group strategy? (none) What is the world’s most adaptive culture? (anglo) What is the least adaptive culture? (islam) What is the next least adaptive culture? (gypsies) What is the next least adaptive culture? (judaism) What’s IQ measure? (adaptation)

  • The Simplicity of the Langauge of Mathematics

    1 – All stimulation begins with sequences of pulses. That’s all nerves and neurons do – measurements of relations. – predicting fragments (of potential referents) 2 – All sequences of pulses produce relations – measurements of relations. = predicting components of objects (potential referents) 3 – All sequences of relations produce spaces, objects, and boundaries…

  • The Problem Is Obvoius

    THE PROBLEM IS OBVIOUS   -“Some argue that cultural Marxism is a silly term, but I think it works well. It describes a leveling desire that is no longer primarily interested in class, but it demographic groups. It sees society as a battle between races, sexes, and sexualities for power.”-Bo Winegard   Bo: The problem?…

  • The Mathematics of Beauty

    Reality: There are tens of thousands of women more beautiful than ‘beautiful’ actresses, which is obvious from looking around at any college football game. Browse through the top twenty modeling agencies, and there are dozens of women (for example, Ford’s Johanna Schapfeld) and more in the Direct set that tend to be less ‘severe’.  When…

  • Response to More Christian Nonsense This is why scientists don’t interact with the faithful. It’s not possible to have an adult conversation. That said, just some random thoughts: 1) I try to respond to these if they are not totally off the wall. This is pretty off the wall but not totally. And I want to avoid working on…

  • Movie Review: The Lie (2018)

    (Writing this review to counter the industry’s postmodern reviewers who don’t understand it.) For those of us who love movies, especially movies as moral mythology, the tragedy as heroism in the face of moral life, and the play as cultural religion, it’s a tense study in a horrifying parental nightmare.   I was tense the…

  • Complete Text of Correspondence with Brittany Wallman at the Sun Sentinel on The Sovereign American Project.

    Brittany Wallman @BrittanyWallman Investigative reporter @SunSentinel *2019 Pulitzer team* Mom, wife, churchgoer, runner (@Oiselle Volée) @UFJschool Raised in Iowa & Okla. Ukulele student I’m a journalist trying to reach you. 954 356 4541 Fri 8:06 AM Hi Brittany, Please tell me the topic or message a list of questions here and I’ll give you…

  • Determinism in Prediction: Zeihan on China, Rubini on 2008, many in 2001, 87 etc.

    Regarding “Zeihan’s been predicting china’s decline for ten years” So have I and others. Zeihan is just the best at explaining it. I predicted in 04-06 that China’s economy would correct between 10 and 14. I was wrong. But their data is terrible, the degree to which they had done to the west’s technology and…

  • Law is as Damaged by The Jews as The Other Natural Sciences.

    This is painful. No. Obscurantism and common sophism, and all to common. 1. “Natural Law” (moral, philosophical) (the law is sovereign)-> Natural Law (scientific: reciprocity) 2. Evolutionary Law (People Are Sovereign)(European pre continental and present common law) 3. Common-Law Originalism-Textualism (the democratic polity is sovereign) the purpose is to fore the people and legislature into…

  • Swiss Constitution on The Organization of the Armed Forces As A Militia

    Given the subject matter, and my concern about the necessity of militias, I’ll forgo my usual sarcastic criticism of european constitutions written like fairy tale menus in children’s stories. That said, this is all the constitution says: Switzerland shall have armed forces. In principle, the armed forces shall be organized as a militia. The armed…

  • The ADL Is Why Monarchies Are Necessary

    The ADL is no different SINN FEIN, the political wing of the IRA. They just use legal tropes, finance, and propaganda instead of violence to undermine the polity from within. And no different from the Bolsheviks, seizing power from within. This is why monarchies are necessary.

  • Q:”Is it moral to use the power of government to impose moral standards? At what level of government? Whose standards? If your answer is “sometimes” where do you draw the line?”

    THE CORRECT ANSWER Just as we can know negative freedoms but not positive freedoms we can know negative morality but not positive morality. Why? Because negative morality is a universal: “reciprocity over time within the limits of proportionality” or its inverse “irreciprocity” is as impossible to counter as “all choice is rational given the knowledge…

  • The Capitol Protest – What Should Have Happened Instead

    “What are your thoughts on the U.S. Capitol going into lockdown on January 6, 2021 after supporters of President Trump breached barriers as Congress was debating election challenges?” PAINFUL TRUTH I didn’t approach the capitol building. It was someone else’s rally. Stepping on other leader’s toes has hurt in the past. I foolishly assumed leadership…